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Justice Is Worth Calling 4! 509-444-4444

Sweetser Law Office is Available to All Members of the Community During This Crisis.


During Crisis, Sweetser Law Office Is Here for the Community

A Message from Sweetser Law Office, PLLC

Sweetser Law Office is available to all members of the community during this crisis.

Sweetser Law Office, PLLC has adapted quickly to the changes coronavirus has brought. Like many of you, our employees have been working remotely for weeks. If they have kids, they are not going to school. During this time, our top priority is for our staff, our clients, and our community to stay safe and reduce spread within our community, which ultimately will save lives.

Sweetser Law Office is OPEN. Our attorneys and staff are available over the telephone, through cellphone facetime, or video conferencing on your computer. We are still working hard for our clients, while also doing our part to STOP THE SPREAD of COVID-19.

Whether you are a potential new client, an existing client or a former client, below are some key ways Sweetser Law Office is continuing to serve you during this crisis, and how you can stay in contact:

  • Scheduling New Clients: You do not need to meet in-person to retain Sweetser Law Office, PLLC. We can meet with you virtually or telephonically. We can sign documents electronically. We can communicate by e-mail or by using teleconferencing. You can contact us using the same phone number: (509) 444-4444. We are open and we are responding to inquiries, questions, or concerns.
  • Clients Facing Financial Crisis: If you are experiencing a financial crisis as a result of coronavirus, whether in the form of a layoff, an eviction notice, or other specific circumstances – there are resources for relief (even if you have never needed any before). At the bottom of this message, we are providing a legal resource guide compiled by the Northwest Justice Project that can be shared with friends, family, and community members in need.
  • Clients in Treatment: If you are an existing client who has had their medical appointment canceled by doctors, therapists, or other specialists, please contact Sweetser Law Office to notify us. We understand that physical therapy, massage therapy, chiropractic, and pain specialists are critical to your recovery, managing flare-ups, or treating ongoing symptoms. We will develop a plan to keep your treatment and recovery on pace, including home stretching and exercise programs approved by your provider. Additionally, we will coordinate with your providers to schedule a safe return to treatment to ensure your needs are not overlooked.
  • Monitoring Court Closures: For clients whose cases have been filed in state or federal court we are monitoring court closures and procedural changes by the day. For example, to date:
    • Spokane County Superior Court has suspended civil jury trials until at least May 26, 2020.
    • The federal courts for the Eastern District of Washington canceled all in-court appearances through April 14, 2020, and associated case deadlines were suspended.
    • Civil case deadlines and discovery have been stayed pending further notice unless it’s a case of emergency circumstances or continued by agreement of the parties.
    • Civil motions are being heard by telephone, or upon the briefings at the discretion of the presiding Judge.
    • Guardianship hearings are being held for emergencies only.
    • The Spokane County Clerk’s Office remains open for necessary business, such as filing time-sensitive court documents.

Like all of you, we continue to express our gratitude to healthcare workers, doctors, waste management, delivery persons, police officers, first responders, farmers, grocery clerks, and all essential workers who continue to show up to work through this crisis. The COVID-19 virus threatens our elderly most. For that reason, Sweetser Law Office is emphasizing our backing of services like 'Meals on Wheels' and 'Spokane Food Fighters' to both raise awareness and funds to help deliver food to those in need.

There is a health and wellness component to these times as well. We encourage everyone to take care of themselves both mentally and physically. Try to keep a positive mindset. Small steps such as maintaining your regular routine or adding a home exercise schedule can help. Meditation or prayer may be something you practice. Above all, remember to take care of yourself and your loved ones, especially if isolated, regularly alone, or with a history of addiction.

These are times that often prompt us to reflect as a people on certain things we may have previously taken for granted: small freedoms (like coffee with friends), our health, our job, our ability to provide for our family. The types of things for which there is no price tag. We also pray for the ill, the deceased, the unemployed. Out of this suffering, we can become a stronger, more grateful and empathetic community. We’ll get through this.




If you are experiencing a financial crisis as a result of the coronavirus, whether in the form of a layoff, an eviction notice, or other specific circumstances, below is a list of resources compiled by the Northwest Justice Project.

Unemployment, Leave From Work, or Workers Compensation:

Mortgages and Evictions:

Nursing Homes:

Parents and Students:
